Wednesday, 17 September 2008

broken heart, teared eyes

they ask me to write some sweet words
i couldn't...
how can i write something doesn't exist at me
how to think happily when your heart cry
not normal tears bloody tears
hurt ,confused ,lost again
can i say more...
i can't write
i can't cry
i can't even say a world
can i die???

they told me not to write something when i'm sad
it will be taken against me
why i can't write when I'm sad
why i can't write when i cry
they always say and i do
they always hold a knife and I'm killed

i can't write
i can't cry
i can't even say a world
can i die???

don't worry I'll hold my tears
I'm not crying'
don't feel guilty
happy life ... happy days...happy ending
are you happy now ??
I've included word happy .
satisfied ??
but i can't feel it

i can't write
i can't cry
i can't even say a world
can i die???